Friday, January 8, 2016

The Soul is not an individual it is not within the body but the hidden by the illusory world in which you exist.+

The Soul, the ‘Self’ is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God. The Soul, the fullness of the consciousness, the nature of the Soul is absolute Existence.  The Soul is not an individual it is not within the body but the hidden by the illusory world in which you exist. In reality, the world in which you exist is non-existence itself. 

Knowledge of the individual God is not Advaita.  Those who propagate the individual Gods as the real are ignorant of their true existence. The Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness, is the true existence.  The true existence is God. Advaita is the nature of true existence. Advaita is the nature of God. Advaita is God itself.
Even Bhagavad Gita says: ~ Brahmano hi pratisthaham ~ Brahman (God) is considered the all-pervading consciousness, which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. (14.27).
When Bhagavad Gita says, God is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material then nothing has to be accepted as God other than consciousness. 

Even Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ Brahman (God) is present in the form of the Athma, and it is indeed Athma itself.
Religious Gods are based on blind belief. Religious God cannot be considered as the center because the Soul and the  ‘Self’ is the center of all that exists. Without the Soul the world in which you exist ceases to exist, it means the religious God is dependent on the Soul for his existence.
Even Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the Self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad declares: "He who worships the deities as entities entirely separate from him does not know the truth. For the Gods, he is like a pasu (beast)". (1. 4. 10)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter:~ All those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship many God s. (7- Verse -20)
Kena Upanishad (6) Chapter I: ~  “That which cannot be apprehended by the mind, but by which, they say, the mind is apprehended-That alone know as Brahman, and not that which people here worship.

Kena Upanishad (7) Chapter I:~  That which cannot be perceived by the eye, but by which the eye is perceived-That alone know as Brahman and not that which people here worship.

Kena Upanishad (8) Chapter I:~  That which cannot be heard by the ear, but by which the hearing is perceived-That alone know as Brahman and not that which people here worship.

Kena Upanishad (9)- Chapter I:~ That which cannot be smelt by the breath, but by which the breath smells an object-That alone know as Brahman, and not that which people here worship.

How can you worship the Absolute? That implies two ~ the worshipper and the worshipped, whereas the Absolute is nondual. One can worship his idea of the Absolute only or realize his unity with it when he can’t worship it as apart.

The Upanishads say in effect that ~ If you believe that the ‘the Soul, the innermost Self’ is one and God (Brahman) is another you cannot understand truth.
Consciousness is ever-present. Without consciousness, the world, in which you exist ceases to exist. Consciousness is Self-evident. It is not established by extraneous proofs. It is not possible to deny consciousness because it is the very essence of the one who denies it. Consciousness is the basis of all kinds of knowledge, presuppositions, and proofs. Consciousness is everything. Thus, consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God. 
Knowledge of the Soul, the Self, is Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Atma Gnana is knowledge of God. Realizing God in this very life is your goal. God-realization itself is real worship. :~Santthosh Kumaar 

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