Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Soul becomes universe in waking (Duality) and the universe becomes the Soul in deep sleep (Nonduality).+

The Soul becomes the universe in waking (Duality) and the universe becomes the Soul in deep sleep (Nonduality). 

Chandogya Upanishads: ~ “This universe comes forth from Brahman and will return to Brahman. Verily, all is Brahman. A person is what his deep desire is. It is our deepest desire in this life that shapes the life to come. So let us direct our deepest desires to realize the Self.

Ashtavakra Gita:~“The universe rises from the Soul, the Self like bubbles from the sea. Thus, know the ‘Self’ to be One and in this way enter into the state of dissolution."

Sage Sankara said: ~A.A~ 88. When the whole universe, movable and immovable, is known to be Atman (consciousness), and thus the existence of everything else is negated, where is then any room to say that the body is Atman?

The ‘Self’ is not the mind. The mind is present in the form of not the world in which we exist.  The world appears as waking or dream (duality) and disappears as deep sleep (nonduality).

The ‘Self’ is the Soul. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness. Consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all three states. Thus, diversity is created out of single stuff. That stuff is consciousness.

Consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman because there is no second thing that exists other than consciousness.   From the standpoint of the Soul, the form, time, and space are one, in essence. 

In spirituality, God means the ultimate truth or Brahman. Self–realization is truth- realization. Truth- realization is God-realization.

Sage Sankara: ~VC~ if the universe is true, let it then be perceived in the state of deep sleep also. As it is not at all perceived, it must be unreal and false like dreams.  

That is why Sankara's declaration: ~ Brahman is the truth The World is Unreal everything is Truly Brahman and nothing else has any value.

In ignorance there is duality. In wisdom, there is only non-duality. The Soul the  ‘Self’ is one without the second. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness (Spirit).  It is the same consciousness (Soul) that manifests as the whole universe. Consciousness itself is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

 Consciousness is the ultimate cause of the universe and it itself is uncaused.  The seeker of truth must convince himself of this truth by Soulcentric reasoning. :~Santthosh Kumaar 

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