Saturday, December 26, 2015

Sage Sri, Ramana Maharshi s:~The location of the Heart is of the chest and not on the left. +

Sage Sri, Ramana Maharshi:~ The location of the Heart is of the chest and not on the left. The light of the consciousness flows from the heart to through Sushumna's channel to ‘Sahasrara’.(KNOW YOUR SELF~page 31)
From ‘Sahasrarara’ consciousness spreads all over the body, then the experience of the world arises. Viewing themselves as different from that consciousness human beings get caught up in the cycle of birth and death.
The ‘Sahasrara’ of one who abides in the Self is pure light only. Any thoughts which approach it cannot survive.
Even when objects are perceived, because of their nearness, it does not destroy yoga as the mind sees any differences.
The state in which awareness is firm, even when objects are sensed, is called the natural state. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi, there is no objective perception.
The entire universe is in the body and the whole body is in the Heart. hence, the universe is contained within the Heart.
Some other Gurus also propagate the Nadi you refer to is called Amrita Nadi. It connects the Spiritual Heart with the Sahasrara. It is best to merge in the Heart and then see that the Heart is beyond time and space.
Santthosh Kumaar:~ When the ‘Self’ is not the body then the location of the Heart is of the chest and not on the left. The light of the consciousness flows from the heart to through Sushumna ‘channel to ‘Sahasrara’ have no value. All these concepts are yogic and they have no value in the Atmic path.
When the ‘Self’ is not the body, the question of the Nadi or Amrita Nadi or Sahasrara does not arise. Until we think the ‘Self’ is within the body it is impossible to cross the threshold of dualistic illusion. Deeper self-search reveals the fact that the ‘Self’ is not the body why bring Nadi, chakras when they are part and parcel of the body.
Deeper self-search reveals the fact that the ‘Self’ is neither the body nor the ‘I’. Thus, one has to go beyond the ‘I’ means beyond the form, time, and space to realize 'Self' is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. 

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