Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Soul, the 'Self' does not lie in our body or in our brain.+

In the scientific field of knowledge, one can bank on discoveries of different scientists.  Newton discovered the law of gravity and Einstein formulated the principle of relativity. In addition, scientists take it for granted that these principles are valid. It is not so in pursuit of truth. If one sage discovers the ultimate truth then the seeker without verification cannot accept it as truth blindly.

 The  Seeker has to discover a fresh on his own to realize’ what is the truth’ and ‘what is not the truth’ and accept only the truth and mentally drop the untruth.   Thus, constant reflection on the subject is very much necessary in the pursuit of truth. 

Scientific inventions say:~ 

Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness
by Alva Noƫ. Hill and Wang, 2009

Alva No, a University of California, Berkeley, philosopher, and cognitive scientist, argues that after decades of a concerted effort on the part of neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers "only one proposition about how the brain makes us conscious ... has emerged unchallenged: we don't have a clue." The reason we have been unable to explain the neural basis of consciousness, he says, is that it does not take place in the brain. Consciousness is not something that happens inside us but something we achieve it is more like dancing than it is like the digestive process. To understand consciousness the fact that we think and feel and that the world shows up for us we need to look at a larger system of which the brain is only one element. Consciousness requires the joint operation of the brain, body, and the world. "You are not your brain. The brain, rather, is part of what you are."

The brain (body) is not the Self. The  'Self' does not lie in our body or in our brain, or our ego, but it is the essence of the dual and non-dual experiences, which come and go as waking dream (duality) and deep sleep (nonduality). 

There is a need to understand and assimilate the knowledge of the Self through deeper Self-search in order to unfold the mystery of the ‘I’. 

Until the scientists become the seeker of truth of his existence, the truth will not reveal. The truth of the whole cannot be got under the microscope.    When all their invention fails to yield truth they have to use their reason to reach the ultimate core of their existence.
The man who possesses the highest intellect can grasp Advaita, by merely hearing the truth mentioned will know it.
Bhagavad Gita: ~ Reason as a means to reality. (Chap.18 verse 37)

In chap. 10 of in Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says ~ I cannot save you, but I can give you Buddhi (reason). (chap. 10)

In chap. 10 of in Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says: ~ "I have given you the most secret teaching, now reflect over it all" Krishna plainly says reflect, think. (Verse 63 of Chap. 18)

Mundaka Upanishad says: ~  “Both states are harmful and take you away from the path of inquiry into truth. (Page 234)

Ashtavakra Gita: ~ It is not the absence of Buddhi (Reason) that can grasp Advaita but the man who possesses the highest intellect. Brains are necessary. Such a man, by merely hearing the truth mentioned will know it. (Page~ 224)
The final state is that consciousness is everything, the whole; there is no second thing that exists other than consciousness, whereas to say, "God is in me" is mysticism. Consciousness is God in truth is the rational truth, scientific truth, ultimate truth, and universal truth.
 There is a need for facts of physical proof in scientific invention, whereas in pursuit of truth the proof has to be grasped mentally and realized.  Therefore, the truth is realized only by a few who take this mental pursuit. “Whatever facts revealed, which is uncontradictable has to be accepted as truth.

The truth based on the formless Soul, the Self is worthwhile; without it, one has something else, not the truth. Most people refuse to venture into the pursuit of truth; because they do not want to go to the root of things.
The seeker of truth has to study, inquire, and reason, at the beginning of the pursuit of truth, because it is absolutely necessary, in the pursuit of truth.
One has to know the Self is not physical, but the Self is the formless Spirit. The Spirit or Soul or the Self is present in the form of consciousness. Consciousness gives awareness to the three states.
The ignorance of the true Self is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality. Ignorance vanishes through the realization of the Self, which is the Soul or Spirit or consciousness.:~Ssntthosh Kumaar 

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