Thursday, March 12, 2015

Scientists are able to monitor the pattern of brain activity through modern scientific equipment are based on the physical self.+

Scientists can monitor the pattern of brain activity through modern scientific equipment based on the physical self.   The physical self and physical activities are limited to physical existence.  The physical existence is nothing to do with the ultimate truth.  The ultimate truth is that which is responsible for the creation and sustenance of the physical existence.  

The scientists and their inventions are based on believing the physical Self and its experience world as reality, whereas, the truth lies beyond physical existence.  Scientists discover, that with what the physical body, can function itself as a person, and perceives the world, the truth will not be unfolded.  Therefore there is a need to know what the physical body can know itself because the physical body is not the knower of the physical body. Therefore, there is a need to be aware of the formless knower of the physical body to unfold the mystery of the mind.    

Until and unless scientists become aware of the fact that, the self is not physical their experiments will not yield any fruit.  The experiment on the physical body and trying to find the truth is like trying to drain the ocean drop by drop.    

Until scientists realize the fact that, the gross world is merged into the mental experience in the sense that when it is analyzed, it is found to exist inseparably in and as the mind alone. All "spiritual" planes are really mental: those who regard them as different or higher are taking the physical body and the world as reality. 

Scientists take birth, life, and death as a reality, their scientific invention is based on physical awareness, they will not be able to go deeper into this subject, because they cannot cross the threshold of physicality.   

Modern equipment can investigate objects within the physical existence but it is impossible to investigate the physical existence as a whole i.e. man and the world together.  The whole cannot be investigated with laboratory conditions.  Only through deeper thinking through inquiry, analysis, and reasoning does the whole has to be investigated.  

One has to reach beyond the physical existence, mentally, and discovers, grasp the fact that the physical existence is a mere mirage created out of single stuff; otherwise, he will remain the conviction believing the duality is a reality.  

Deeper inquiry, analysis, and reasoning reveal the fact that the self is not physical but it is a formless spirit. Therefore, it is erroneous to view and judge the truth from the physical point of view, because the self exists prior to physical existence.  Therefore, it is necessary to view and judge the truth from the standpoint of the base of the spirit, which is the true self.    the standpoint of the base of the spirit, which is the true self.     

Religious Philosophies teach that all is self, but none of them can show that this is so. Theirs is mere dogma, parrotism, a repetition of what they read in scripture. They cannot prove it. The truth has to be analyzed scientifically with deeper reasoning and arrive at the rational proof and gets the ultimate truth i.e.  Non-dual wisdom. Authoritarianism is the base of past inventions or philosophy mere assumptions and hearsay as truth, but the truth has to be proved beyond all the doubts.  

Unless one gives up the idea of physicality as reality, the ultimate truth is impossible. Ultimate Truth must be proved here and now. If that cannot be done, it is impossible to cross the threshold of duality.  Without knowing the fact that the self is not physical the Self –Knowledge is impossible to assimilate.  

The religious and yogic truths are physical truth. The physical truth is individual, not universal truth. The truth of religion can only be proved by physical strength or by imagination, or power of the weapon or political power, never by reason.  

The scientists are yet to find mysteries beyond; they hope to discover it in the future.” The mystics say: That mystery unknown to science is known to them and Mysticism is the fulfillment of science. The mysticism is also physical-based and it is impossible to acquire non-dual wisdom through mysticism. 

The mystics cannot experience the whole on the base of the physical body because the body and the world are within the whole.  So how can they prove that they have seen the whole? 

Mystics merely assume that they know it from experience.” If mystics experience joy or bliss, they cannot be egoless. Joy or bliss cannot be experienced without the ego.  Whatever is based on ego is physicality.  And if they retain the ego/physical self they cannot know the whole. Without knowing the whole the ultimate truth is impossible to grasp. 

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