Thursday, February 25, 2016

Until Scientists discover the how the form, time and space came in to existence, the mystery of the universe will not be unfolded.+

Whatever Scientists can monitor the pattern of brain activity through modern scientific equipment are based on the physical Self.   The physical Self and physical activities are limited to physical existence.  The physical existence is nothing to do with the ultimate truth.  The universe is the physical existence  

The scientists and their inventions are based on believing the physical Self and its experience world as reality, whereas, the truth lies beyond physical existence.

Scientists discover how the form, time, and space came to existence,   the mystery of the universe will not be unfolded.

Max Planck ~Father of quantum physics says: ~ Science has no answer to it. Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.

Until and unless scientists investigate the nature of the ‘I’ without scientific equipment their experiments will not yield any fruit. 

The experiment on the physical body and trying to find the truth is like trying to drain the ocean drop by drop.    

Until scientists realize the fact that, the gross world is merged into the mental experience in the sense that when it is analyzed, it is found to exist inseparably in and as the consciousness alone.

All "spiritual" planes are really mental: those who regard them as different or higher are taking the physical body and the world as a reality. 

Scientists take birth, life, and death as a reality, their scientific inventions are based on physical awareness, and they will not be able to go deeper into this subject because they cannot cross the threshold of form, time, and space.   

Modern equipment can investigate objects within the physical universe but it is impossible to investigate the physical universe as a whole i.e. man and the world together.  The whole universe cannot be investigated with laboratory conditions.  Only through deeper self-search, the truth of the whole has to be investigated.  

One has to reach beyond the physical existence, mentally, and discovers, grasps the fact that, the universe is merely an illusion created out of single stuff and that single stuff is the consciousness otherwise he will remain the conviction believing the universe is a reality.  

The consciousness is the cause of the universe and it itself is uncaused.  The universe is nothing but consciousness. Modern science has yet to discover that consciousness is the cause of the universe, which was discovered and declared by Sage Sankara in the 8th century. 

Advaitic Gnana here is knowledge uncontradictable truth or scientific truth. Thus their scientific truth of the whole, not part is declared by Sage Sankara

The consciousness is the cause of the universe in which we exist and it itself is uncaused. The consciousness alone is real and eternal, and the universe in which we exist is merely an illusion created out of consciousness.

Sage Sankara says:~ Atman is Brahman. The Atman alone is real is not religious truth.  Sage Sankara declared this Advaitic truth, which the ultimate truth to the whole world, many centuries back is the rational truth, scientific truth, and ultimate truth.

Thus, the Atman (Soul) is present in the form of the consciousness is real and eternal, the world in which we exist is merely an illusion.  

Then there is no need for the scriptures, religion, and the idea of God.  One has to be more rational to realize the Advaitic truth, which is the ultimate truth or scientific truth.

The Advaitic truth declared by the Sage Scientist Sankara is a scientific truth, the ultimate truth and universal truth cannot be contradicted.

When the matter is an illusion created out of the Spirit then Spirit alone is real.
When the object is created out of the subject then the subject alone is real.
When the universe in which you exist is created out of the consciousness then the consciousness alone is real.
Reality and unreality are created out of single stuff because the unreality (the world in which we exist) is experienced as a reality we are unaware of the reality hidden by the unreality.   There is no second thing that exists other than the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. The dualistic illusion, which is present in the form of the ‘I’, hides the truth. Stick to reality by mentally dropping the unreality.  :~Santthosh Kumaar 

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