Saturday, May 28, 2022

Do not waste time cleansing your mind. First, know what the mind suppose to be in actuality.+

Do not waste time cleansing your mind. First, know what the mind suppose to be in actuality. Without the mind, the universe in which you exists ceases to exist.

Thus, the mind itself is the universe in which you exist. The mind is the product of ignorance. When ignorance vanishes then the universe in which you exist ceases to exist as a reality.
The mind cannot be purified because the mind itself is an illusion. Till one thinks the mind is within the body, he will not be able to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana, because the body and the world are within the mind. And the mind is within the Soul.
Avadhuta Gita:-“The Atman cannot be purified through the practice of the six limbs of the yoga, or through the annihilation of the mind, or through the instruction of a teacher. The Atman is the Reality Itself and It is Purity Itself."
Until you think the mind is within the body you will not be able to grasp the Advaitic truth, which is beyond the form, time, and space.
Perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ leads to Advaitic ‘Self-awareness’.


Avadhuta Gita:-“The Atman cannot be purified through the practice of the six limbs of the yoga, or through the annihilation of the mind, or through the instruction of a teacher. The Atman is the Reality Itself and it is Purity Itself."

Manduka Upanishads: - Those that want Brahman will not practice control of the mind. That is Yoga for duffers. The others will inquire and practice discrimination. (p.231)
Brih Upanishad: page 32:~"Yoga does not yield truth or liberation."
One may read the Mahabharata for all philosophical, yogic, and cosmological teachings but at the end, it finally says "All is imaginative."
Brihad Upanishad:~ It too declares Yoga cannot give you the truth.
Brihad Upanishads. Page 133 1st para points out that: ~ “Even yoga cannot give perfect concentration and that the only way to gain it is philosophical realization. This confirms Manduka's statement that yoga can no more succeed than the ocean can be emptied with a blade of grass.
In Sutra Bhashya and Manduka, it is given that Samadhi and sleep are identical. Brihad Upanishad does not advocate Samadhi. People are going down, down, and down. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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