Sunday, March 20, 2016

Unless you realize the Self as the Soul, you are all blinded by the dualistic illusion.+

When you realize the ‘Self’ is not you but the ‘Self’ is the Soul then whatever is based on you bound to be an illusion created out of consciousness.  The world in which you exist is a reality on the base of the ego (you). 

The world in which you exist is an illusion on the base of the Soul, the  Self. Unless you realize the Self as the Soul, you are all blinded by the dualistic illusion.

If the ‘Self’ is not you but the ‘Self’ is the Soul is the Self then: ~    

Where are you?

Where is your ego?

Where is your body?

Where is the world in which you exist?

Where is the duality, where is void; or despair in taintless Soul, the   Self?

They are or have become one with consciousness. 

Everything is, created out of single stuff. And that single stuff is the consciousness then there is no room for any doubt and confusion. Knowledge of the single stuff is Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Consciousness is the root element of the universe. Consciousness is present in the form of the Soul, the Self.  From the Soul, the universe comes into existence. In the Soul, the universe resides. And into the Soul, the universe is dissolved.   The Soul is the parent of all that is there is. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar 

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