Buddhism or Hinduism and all the religions of the world are dualistic because they are egocentric.
Religion is not spirituality. Religious people are based on the belief as truth whereas Spiritual people bases themselves on the Soul, the Spirit as the ultimate truth, or Brahman. Never mix religion with spirituality.
The ultimate truth is One and universal. All people are seeking the same Truth..... Everyone is going toward the ultimate goal. They will all realize the ultimate truth or Brahman or God if they have sincerity and longing to realize it.
Religion is based on blind belief. But in pursuit of truth, doubt is the main ingredient.
Most people have the desire to know the truth, but the capacity to understand and assimilate it is limited. The result is that people resolve the conflict by jumping to the first and simplest and easiest conclusion as the correct one, and smugly but unjustifiably thinking “I know”: Thus, they commit the fallacy of primitivity.
The seeker needs proof to accept anything as truth. Every guru intellectuals, pundits, or yogi statements have to be verified before accepting them as ultimate truth or Brahman. Their claims have to be verified before accepting them as truth.
The seeker must have the courage of Bhagavan Buddha to accept the truth and reject the untruth. Since Bhagavan Buddha rejected religion, the idea of personal God, and scriptures, therefore, it is evident that he has gone through every aspect and verified and found them to be inadequate and useless for the pursuit of truth.
That is why Buddha said: ~ “Believe nothing because a wise man said it, Believe nothing because it is generally held. Believe nothing because it is written. Believe nothing because it is said to be divine. Believe nothing because someone else said it. But believe only what you yourself judge to be true.
Dalai Lama said: ~ Buddhism need not be the best religion though it is most scientific and religion and inquisitive. But Buddhism has no answer to certain questions like the existence of Atama (Soul) and rebirth. Dali Lama said that as an individual he believes in rebirth as he had come across a few cases of rebirth. Modern science, Dalai Lama hoped would unearth the mystery behind the rebirth. (In DH –dec-212009-Gulbarga).
Buddhists do not believe in Atma. Thus, the entire Buddhist theories and sutras are physical-based, therefore; they yield the truth of the part not the truth of the whole. All the Buddhist teachings are not of the Buddhas but it is mixed up with other religions of different nations in Asia which were merged with Buddhism. Thus, It is very difficult to get the true essence of the pure essence of Bhagavan Buddha‘s wisdom. Buddhism has not proved the truth of Nonduality. Advaitic Sages agree.
Bhagavan Buddha pointed out the unreality of the world. Bhagavan Buddha told people they were foolish to cling to it. But he stopped there. He came nearest to Advaita in speech but not to Advaita fully. Only when we independently search the truth without religion and its doctrine then we will be able to realize the truth beyond form, time, and space.
Buddhism believes in reincarnation. Buddhism does not believe in the existence of Athma. Buddhism does not believe in the existence of God whereas Sage Sankara proved the existence of Athma and the existence of Brahman or God by declaring Atman is Brahman. From the standpoint of Athma, reincarnation is an illusion because the present experience of birth, life, death, and the world is merely an illusion.
Bhagavan Buddha was a Gnani, not his follower. Bhagavan Buddha’s wisdom was lost, it is because it is mixed up and messed up with other religions in Asia wherever it existed. Bhagavan Buddha has rejected religion whereas
Buddhism is considered a religion. The truth is universal and truth does not belong to any religion.
Bhagavan Buddha was not Buddhist. Bhagavan Buddha was not the founder of Buddhism because he rejected the religion, scriptures, and the idea of God.
To get the pure essence of the wisdom of Bhagavan Buddha, Buddhism has to be bifurcated from Bhagavan Buddha's wisdom because Buddhism and all its Sutras are physicalized.
Bhagavan Buddha started the quest and Sage Sankara completed the journey. Bhagavan Buddha & Sage Sankara both are Sage of truth. Humanity owes gratitude to both great sages of truth.
Buddhism has not proved the truth of Nonduality because Buddhists do not believe in Athma because they believe in emptiness. Nonduality is based on Athma. Athma is the very essence of nonduality. without the Athma there is no nonduality.
Sage Sankara says the Athma is Self-evident. It is not established by extraneous proofs. It is not possible to deny the Athma because it is the very essence of the one who denies it. The Athma is the basis of all kinds of knowledge, presuppositions, and proofs. The Athma is the Self.
Bhagavan Buddha pointed out the unreality of the world and he told people, they were foolish to cling to it. However, he stopped there. He came nearest to Advaita in speech but not to Advaita fully.
Sage Sankara disagrees with Buddhists who say, there is nothing - a nonentity. Sage Sankara believes there is some reality, even though things are not what they appear to be. If one knows the truth, he will know what to do to find inspiration for action. The seeker‘s subject is to know what is it that is Real. Unless one exercises his Reason (Buddhi) there is no chance of getting the ultimate truth or Brahman.
Bhagavan Buddha's teachings that all life is misery belong to the relative standpoint only. For you cannot form any idea of misery without contrasting it with its opposite, happiness. The two will always go together. Bhagavan Buddha taught the goal of cessation of misery, i.e. peace, but took care not to discuss the ultimate standpoint for then he would have had to go above the heads of the people and tell them that misery itself was only an idea, that peace even was an idea (for it contrasted with peacelessness). That the doctrine he gave out was a limited one, is evident because he inculcated compassion. Why should a Buddhist sage practice pity? There is no reason for it.
Advaita is the next step higher than Buddhism because it gives the missing reason, viz. unity, non-difference from others, and because it explains that it used the concept of removing the sufferings of others, of lifting them up to happiness, only as we use one thorn to pick out another, afterwards throw both away. Similarly, Advaita discards both concepts of misery and happiness in the ultimate standpoint of non-duality, which is indescribable.
Buddhists say that a thing exists only for a moment, and if that thing has still got some of the substance from which it was produced, how then can they deny that its cause is continuing in the effect; hence its existence is more than a moment. Vedanta is concerned with whether it is one and the same thing which has come into being or has it come out of nothing.
The world is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself. People's approach is more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they take it as real. That is why all the confusion. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar
The world is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself. People's approach is more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they take it as real. That is why all the confusion. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar